Emotional Intelligence is a scientifically validated functioning of the brain


The answer to these questions spells Emotional Intelligence! EQ is the roadmap for creating sustainable people and conditions for both personal achievements and business growth.  EQ is the #1 predictor of performance in the workplace!

All jobs today require emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a scientifically validated functioning of the brain and has become the new IQ meaning that while IQ is important and may get you in the door, it is your EQ skills that will get you promoted and contribute to your well-being.
While both IQ and personality are stable over life and hard to change, the good news is that EQ can increase with practice and training.

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The #1 predictor of performance in the workplace is emotional intelligence. As opposed to IQ or personality which is rather stable over life, EQ is not static, and can be trained and developed.Through decades of EQ Europe´s proven programs of developing EQ for our clients we know that EQ can be developed and will improve performance. Our assessments have been taken by millions of people on 5 continents and are based on solid research.

“I see that most of the participants are now more confident, better team players, and enjoy the hard work they do daily,” says Hellberg. “I can only recommend that others join the journey.”

Lars Hellberg, Fortaco’s President and CEO

"The available programs makes EQ tools come alive, make it more practical in changing behaviour to maximise our EQ skills. An eye opener even to those already very familiar with the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ reports."

Andreas Marta